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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

NOT a happy camper!

For the last several weeks about 95% of Kylee's poops have been a dark green color (they're supposed to be a mustardy yellow when you're breastfeeding) and then Sun. night she had blood in it. I wasn't really concerned because she pushes and grunts really hard when she has a bowel movement so I figured she just pushed a little too hard one time and got some blood with it. But then every one of her poops on Monday had blood in it also, so this morning we called the doctor to set up an appointment.

The verdict: Kylee has an allergy to milk. Something about how her stomach can't break down the proteins and it causes internal bleeding which comes out in her poop. This explains why she's had a pretty consistent rash on her stomach (which is what the doctor told us was due to craddle cap at her 2 mo. visit), green poo, and now the blood. The weird thing is, she was only fussy after I would eat somthing spicy so I had no indications that something like the dairy I was eating was bothering her. And I thought it was weird that the bleeding is just now showing up after 2 1/2 mo., but he said it's definitely been affecting her this whole time it's just now getting bad enough that the internal bleeding is coming out. I don't know..

So basically, no more dairy for me for the next oh...9 mo. The doctor even said Soy milk, soy cheese, soy ice cream etc. still usually has too much protein for the baby to be able to break down. Ugh! Yall don't even know how devestating this is for me. (Okay, I know there are people with much worse problems than not being able to eat dairy, but I need to be sad!) I LIVE off dairy foods. Every meal I eat has some form of dairy; yogurt, cheese, milk, chocolate, sour cream, alfredo sauce, ranch dressing, and so many more that I can't even think of right now! The doctor said than even ONE tiny milk chocolate chip can do it , so I really have to be careful. I would be all about switching to a special kind of formula for her, but it's like pulling teeth to get her to drink from a bottle.

The good news is that this shouldn't affect her for the rest of her life, just till she's about 1 when her stomach/digestive system is a little more developed and can break down the proteins correctly. Hey, and maybe less dairy will help with the weight loss thing. As long as I don't substitute all that dairy with carbs! ha ha!


Joy said...

How awful! Sad that she's been enduring this for a while now too, not like you should feel guilty or anything though! Tt's just hard to ever know what's going on with babies!!! I'd say start weaning her to a bottle, maybe gradually? But I know some kids don't take 'em, Chase for sure didn't. I'm with you though, I don't know how I could live without dairy products.

Just Jaime! said...

Poor thing!! I'm sorry! My mom went through this too, with my younger sister. Stay strong!

dixonfamily said...

All I can say is SOOO SOOOORRRYYY!!! I think I might die if I had to go off dairy. Good news- my sister's little girl seriously had the same exact thing, blood in the stool around 2-3 months, my sister went off dairy, around 11months her little girl was fine and they even started her on cow's milk. She's two now and has no problems. I totally sympathize with you though. What are you going to eat? Fruit and Veggies...boring but can be pretty darn tasty!! Here's to chips and salsa for the next 9 months!! Good luck!!

Amy Hummel said...

One of my friends has had this exact same thing happen with the last 2 of her 3 kids. She can't eat dairy, or chocolate. I know that over the years, she had developed some really good recipes that mimicked foods with dairy products, but didn't hurt her kids. And, after her kids turned 1, they were completely fine, and can eat dairy themselves! Maybe if you wanted some tips, her blog url is:

Unknown said...

Mandi's youngest had that problem! You want me to give her your email so she can give you lots of suggestions? :) She learned lots of substitutes, etc.

Rebekah said...

You poor thing! I am a big dairy lover too, I can sympathize.

Alisa and Sky said...

Mom was telling me about this yesterday! I sure do sympathize with you! I love dairy products so this would be really hard for me too, you can do it though! Good Luck!!

the McLaughlin's said...

I feel your pain! Kate was six weeks when I learned that she couldn't hack it when I ate milk. So sad. The crazy thing for me is that I got so used to it that when I could eat it again that I didn't even want it anymore. I'm used to it now but I still don't crave it like I used to. But the up side is that Kate's belly is totally fine with milk everything now so there is an end to the insanity. Those darn picky little girls:)

Goratrain and Ian-ator said...

You have EVERY right to complain. A normal baby turns our life upside-down, especially when breastfeeding so now that you are being told that you can't eat like a normal girl--that is devastating!

By the way, I thought that your title for this post was "Not a happy crapper". That is even more appropriate!

Michelle C said...

Wow, that is really rough!! I would have a horrible time with it. You will get so many blessings for sacrificing so she can have the very best milk to drink!!

Matt and Haley said...

Wow! Major Bummer! Make sure you take some calcium pills so that your bones still stay healthy and strong :). There are so many yummy foods with milk in it that it makes me so sad for you!
