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Monday, July 13, 2009


Sacrament meeting used to be a breeze with Tyler. He would sit on the bench the WHOLE meeting quietly reading his books, coloring, playing with his quiet book, etc. but the last couple months have been awful and it's only getting worse. I can't get him to stay on the bench to save my life and I'm usually alone for the first 20 min. or so because Bobby's doing sacrament and the beginning of church is Kylee's nap time so I'm usually trying to put her to sleep so I can't be focusing on keeping Tyler occupied. It doesn't help that he's at the church and has to be "reverent" an hour before church even starts and then we expect him to be reverent for another hour during sacrament meeting. I know by that point he is BORED and he does things on purpose to get into trouble (throwing his crayons all over the bench and to the people in the pew in front of us, kicking the bench, trying to jump over the bench, yelling, "I want to go home!" as often as he can, you get the idea...)I think all of the tricks in my diaper bag have officially been worn out and I need new ideas! What do you do to keep your kids reverent during sacrament meeting?! I'm desperate.

(and I promise I'll post about all that other stuff tonight maybe)


cnelson said...

At least he is not sticking his head through chairs and getting it stuck...oh the joys of primary! When you figure out that reverence secret please let me know. sigh!

Alisa and Sky said...

Serious! Let me know if you find out the reverence secret too! Welcome to sacrament meeting for me for the last 6 months! He actually made it through 95% of sacrament meeting last week! Hopefully there is more where that came from!

Mary Beth said...

sorry my dear I have NO answers!!!

Matt and Haley said...

Something that works for us (well, at least the last two weeks) is we invited some friends to sit next us. When I run out of quiet books, toys, food, and any other "tricks" up my sleeve, our friends took Caleb and held him on their laps. All of a sudden, my son went from absolute terror to the perfect angel. Caleb is much better behaved whenever his Mommy and Daddy AREN'T around. I guess he just knows us too well and how to push our buttons. But he seems to clam up when a stranger cuts in (which is just what we need during the meeting). So find some friends and offer to switch kids when things get a little crazy!

Michelle C said...

I'm so impressed he has been a good boy before. We are having an awful time with Nathan. He is SO sick of everything I have designated for church. He loves to scream and when I tell him "shhh" he yells NO! Anyway, kind of rough. Sorry he has to be there so early. Could he go to a friend's house that has a kid before church so he can run around and not have to sit still during that first hour? Also, here is a link I found and I am going to make some file folder games from the mormonchic link on here. There are some other ideas too. i'm sure you have a lot of time to make these things too (sarcasm).
