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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Elf Yourself

This is the cutest thing ever! Some of you may have already seen this, but when Amanda showed it to me today i was laughing so hard, so I thought I'd share with yall. I was hoping there was a way I'd be able to post it on the blog, but I can't so if you click on this link you can see me and my family as elves! (It might take a second to load) The quality's not quite as good when you attach a link (the dance moves are slower than the music) so try it for your own family at I promise it's worth the 10 minuets!

Girls-Alisa, Angela, Alena, Amanda

Boys-Bobby, Ty, Tyler, Dad

Mom and Skyler


Rebekah said...

Hahaha... I love that Bobby is on a girls body. We have one on our blog too. Check the one titled amazing must see movie. It is Nathan Che and I.

Anonymous said...

I tried to look it at it, but the page was blank. I'll have to try again later.

Goratrain and Ian-ator said...

I have tears streaming down my face right now! I watched Bobby the whole time and I can't even breathe. Ian looked at me as if I was retarded and I made him watch Bobby twice. He looks so GAY. Ian doesn't understand why that is so funny, but I DO!!! Ian just said, "You are the reason that stupid things like that on the internet stay alive." He has NO sense of humor.
