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Saturday, March 12, 2011


So it's no secret that I love to celebrate. Birthdays, holidays, Fridays, Tyler writing his name perfectly, a clean house, running on the treadmill without passing out-or falling off-, completing 7 loads of laundry(which includes folding and putting away) in one day, staying alive-and happy-through yet another Logan winter, getting crayon off the wall-and windows, making a new blog post, showering before 9 am, feeding my kids 3 balanced meals in one day, etc. I can pretty much think of an excuse for everything that happens in my life as an opportunity to celebrate. :) I mean seriously, can you have too many bowls of ice-cream or pairs of shoes?? Thank you ladies.

So you might imagine that Bobby and I sort of hit a rough spot when he chooses not to celebrate many of things I like to, such as...birthdays, or anniversary's, or my clean kitchen sink. Over the last 6 1/2 years of our journey of love I've come to understand that this is just who he is and so no longer get my hopes up for anything more than a Napoleon dynamite card with ONE 1 dollar bill inside for any gift giving occasion. No, he didn't! you say. Yes he did. He seriously did that for my birthday the year that I was DOG DOG sick while pregnant with Tyler. Needless to say my sense of humor has greatly improved over the last 7 years. But for all the gift-giving handicaps he has he greatly makes up for it when he does things like this:
"Surprise! I just thought you might like a new purse." he says. Uh might?!

We had gone to the mall so I could buy some jeans for Kylee, so he took the kids over to the play place so I could shop without having to refold the entire kids spring collection line and pick up 37 bottles of nail polish off the floor while praying that none of them are broken. (are my kids the only ones that are strangable in a store?!?) When I walked back to the play place the kids handed me a huge bag and said, "Surprise!" I haven't hinted, talked about or asked for a new purse since the one he got me 2 Valentines ago (where I picked it out). I love that it's not a purse I would typically buy myself (it's a soft charcoal grey with dark purple lining-which are my 2 favorite colors right now) and that I had no clue!

He said, "When we were walking past the purses I thought, Angela might really like a new purse since her's is melted on one corner-dont ask- and is starting to fray around the edges. So when you left I took the kids back and gave them 3 to choose from and that's the one they chose." I think I've decided that surprise gifts are greatly better than birthday, anniversary or expected holiday gifts. Not that it would hurt to be remembered then too :). It's so much fun to be surprised on a random day, at a random time and it literally made my week!

If there are any guys reading this right now, go buy your wife flowers! Right now! She deserves them becaues she did the dishes today, or picked up your dirty laundry (which includes towels) off the floor, or gave birth to your children, or made you dinner, or broke up more fights than you had conversations today, or if nothing else...because she said yes when you asked her to marry you and you love her. Just because are the two most perfect words in the English language and I won't be disappointed if you use them.


Just Jaime said...

Good job, Bobby!! I love the purse.

cnelson said...

Bobby is THE BEST!!!

Maranda said...

I just have a couple things to say. First, I LOVE it when you blog! I love the way you write, I love your stories, your creative ideas, and I certainly can't get enough pictures of your adorable family. You are such a good, funny writer. You always make it entertaining to read your posts. I'll be honest, when I see blogs that have long paragraphs I typically skim through them and mostly look at the pictures. NOT WITH YOURS! I love to read every word you write. You always make me laugh and then go Awwwwwwwwww! Secondly, I think you definitely have a winner of a husband there. Ryan and I were just talking about you guys today. We were saying how we wish we had couple friends and how we really missed out on having you guys as a couple friend b/c the four of us get along so well and "Bobby would be a good influence on [Ryan]." Yes, I actually said those words. He is wonderful and so are you! You treat each other the way spouses should and I appreciate your example. THANK YOU! And lastly, beautiful purse!! P.S. Sorry this is the longest comment in the history of blog comments.

Joy said...

THAT IS SO awesome!

Rebekah said...

Good job Bobby! I buy myself things to reward myself all the time!

Callie said...

I had no idea your husband and mine were so alike. Josh is getting better at acknowledging my birthday, our anniversary, and Christmas which is a big step for him.
Tell Bobby he's awesome and I made Josh read this post so he could get some ideas ;)
Seriously we need to live closer to each other.
Between husband similarities and mommy fun we are definitely kindred spirits.

Matt and Haley said...

Cute post. I agree that you have a knack for blog writing. You are clever and funny!

Alisa and Sky said...

So cute! Way to go bobby!! I think the purse is really cute! Good job Tyler and Kylee!
