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Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Mercado A Mercado

Google translate tells me this means "To Market To Market" in Spanish (I would've asked bobby if this was right but he's at work.) which is the name of the BOOK Bobby reads to the kids every night before bed. Every night for 6 weeks to be exact. Which is sorta a problem since it's a library book and we've re-checked it out twice now. How many times do they let you re-check out books?? Guess we'll find out because the kids LOVE this book. Bobby reads it to them once in spanish and then once in english and they think it is HIGH-LAR-E-OUS when he reads it in Spanish. I love when Kylee tells him, "NO dad in Spaaaanishhhh now!" It's awesome because they're picking up a few spanish words (he's not home enough to actually teach them spanish-which I would love- and my 8th grade spanish vocabulary is muy limitado...yep had to google translate that for now it's just reading books.) this is only bad on nights that Bobby's not home and Kylee has a meltdown because I can't read it to her in Spanish.

*These pics are from Jan. before the obsession with To Market To Market. Then it was Clifford's Big Tricks

Our usual nightly routine used to consist of family scriptures, prayer and brushing teeth together and then I would read each of the kids a book in their own room, sing them some songs and then put them to bed. This turned our bedtimes into a 30-45 min process which was frustrating for me because by the time it's bedtime I am ready for them to be IN bed! After a year of doing it this way and me being...well me, Bobby jumped in to help out by reading them a story together after brushing teeth so now I just have to sing to each of them after. Seriously cuts our bedtime routine in half! Hallelujah for a helpful husband! And honestly I love our night family time where we all pile up on Tyler's bed with the kids on my lap and Bobby reading to them. I think there's something especially sweet about a dad reading to his kids. (shhh...don't tell Bobby)

And I'm usually right there between those two smiling faces!

Okay dads go read to your kids!
