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Saturday, February 19, 2011


...that there was a time you were oh so small.

And learning to face the fact that-as you constantly remind me-"I just have to keep growin' up mom!"

I don't know why I love the 'first moment you wake up birthday picture' but I do. Especially cause I would die if there was ever one posted of me.

It was a rushed morning of frozen waffles and milk and off to take Bobby to work (he has to be there by 8) and then home to put clothes on (like real clothes v. pajamas...come on ppl don't be silly) and then off to take Tyler to pre-school. Then Kylee and I went to pick up some Balloons and some very last minute birthday things (I've been so concentrated on his party-which isn't till next weekend-that I sort of forgot I should probably do something the day OF his bday-being that he's 4 and doesn't really grasp the concept of what a week is.) Anyhow we were a little last minute on thur. but threw together a nice little day I think!

I left the balloons and big bouncy ball in his car seat so when we picked him up from pre-school he would get them and he was SO excited. Something about balloons makes this kids heart beat 1000 times faster. Then it was home for a bday lunch of pb&j balloon sandwiches (I know...I got skills) and a nap for Kylee. Tyler didn't have to have his quiet time that day and got to watch a movie on the computer instead (which he about died and went to heaven when I told him that he didn't have to have a rest that day. ha ha). I had told him for awhile that I would take him and Kylee to see a movie on his bday and I was hoping that Tangled would be in the dollar theater by then, but no such luck so we went and saw Megamind instead (which he's seen before and thinks is hilarious).

It was nice to have the whole theater to ourselves though!

After the movie, we picked Bobby up from work and headed to the good ole' McD's where Mindy, Royce and Macey met up with us for some birthday dinner-Tyler's choice. Lucky friends we have huh? Then we all came back to our house to eat some cake and open presents from the fam.

I made 2 mistakes that day. 1-Buying confetti to spread all over the table and 2-passing out those annoying noise-maker blow things kids love. Tyler learned from a certain adult member in attendance that he could use his noise-maker to blow the confetti Every. Where. And it may or may not have gotten all over the cake. I'm just sayin...choose your friends wisely. :)

Then we sang a little Happy Birthday...

Blew out a candle...

And he was Officially FOUR!

Right as we were opening presents some neighbor kids from down the street came over to bring Tyler a gift which was really sweet and Tyler has been using his new bat all throughout the house. Wonderful. Needless to say we are eagerly searching for a TBall team!

Knowing his grandma gives him the BEST gifts he was so excited to see what was inside!

A talking Woody of course! (He's had Buzz for awhile and ever since Toy Story 3 came out he's been wanting woody, bullseye and Jessie too)

Dad got him a nerf gun. There are dart bullet things (ammo? whatev.) all over my house. The first thing in the morning Tyler comes running in shooting his gun everywhere. Fun.

I got him Bullseye.

And Kylee gave him a 2 sided dinosaur puzzle.

He is SOOOO into puzzles right now. He has over 10 puzzles and can do them all in a heartbeat, so I'm constantly trying to find new ones that will challenge him!

The Ellets brought him a cool spiderman figure riding a motorcycle(his other passion right now-spiderman. That's what his party is going to be) but I didn't get a picture cause I was answering the door when he opened it, but trust me he was E.X.C.I.T.E.D.

The winner of the night? Woody. He played with him all night and has not let him out of his sight for the past 2 days.

Happy Birthday little boy, I'm so excited to watch all your dreams come true.

Oh P.S. I edit my pics in PICNIK. Super easy, free and so so fun.


cnelson said...

My heart is just so full!! LOVE you sweet Tyler!!

alena rose said...

He's so old! Which means your so old now!!! (:

KCraig said...

Looks like he had a great Birthday. Too fun!

Alisa and Sky said...

ha ha alena!! he is getting so big and handsome! I am glad he had a great birthday and we know his party is going to be amazing!Cant wait to see pics from that!

kmo said...

I can't believe how big he is getting. Can you tell him a big Happy Birthday from me.
