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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Alphabet answers

MaryBeth tagged me to do this awhile ago and I'm just gettin around to it!

A is for age: 24

B is for Breakfast: Today-Fruit Loops, preferred-breakfast burritos

C is for Career: nurse, teacher, fashion coordinator, janitor, maid, cheauffer, accountant, chef...aka-mom

D is for my Dog’s Name: Nada

E is for Essential Item I Use Everyday: CHI flat iron

F is for Favorite T.V. Show: Lost or The Office (preferably season 1)

G is for Favorite Game: Monopoly with my family-we can play for hours!

H is for Hometown: I claim Houston, TX but I currently live in Orem, UT

I is for Instruments I Play: some piano

J is for Favorite Juice: Apple

K is for Kitchen, What Color is it?: Uh...kind of a creamy white, maybe off-white?

L is for the Last Place I Ate Out: KFC-my family came up for Amanda's b-day yesterday and we all went to the park and ate KFC

M is for Marriage: Married to the Bobster for 3 years

N is for my Nickname: hmmm...depends on who you ask. Bobby calls me Big A (don't ask!), my family calls me susie Q, and my roomates call me Gela.

O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: Only once...the night I had Tyler

P is for People I was With Today: Mom, Dad, Alisa, Amanda, Ty, Alena, Bobby and Tyler

Q is for Quote: "If you're interested in the way more fun party,all the info can be found here on our more brightly colored flyer."-The Office

R is for Biggest Regret: Hurting a close friend

S is for Sport: BYU football...Go Cougs!!!

T is for Time I Woke Up Today: 7:15 (pretty much the same time every day)

U is for Favorite Piece of Undergarment: hmmm....

V is for Last Vacation you Took: Luna, NM-Bobby's family reunion

W is for Worst Habit: bitting my nails

Y is for Yummy Food You Ate Today: Pizza Pocket

Z is for Zodiac: Cancer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for filling out - i love to read these answers. - You're lucky that Tyler sleeps till 7:15
